Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Hokia, Hillsongia ja hyvää tiimityötä

Sain tänä aamuna eräältä ystävältäni mielenkiintoisella tavalla ajankohtaisen emailin, jonka hänelle oli lähettänyt Brian Houston Australian Hillsongista. Mielenkiintoista juttua, jonka kontekstualisointi ei tuottane kenellekkään vaikeuksia etenkään nykyisessä tilanteessa.

"I am a big sports fan. And if there's one thing I've learned in sports it's this: There is a huge difference between having a Championship team and having a team of Champions. You can have a team of individual "Superstars," but if they don't work together, support one another and function as a single unit, they will never develop into a Championship Team.

Never underestimate the power of unity.

When people pull together with shared vision and a single purpose, there is power. Unity brings blessing and power. In the same way, disunity brings division, strife and heartache.

Psalm 133:1, 3 tells us this great promise from God:
Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity... for there the Lord has commanded the blessing. (Amplified Bible)

Where there is unity, there is tremendous potential.

Jesus said, "Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand" (Matthew 12:25 NIV).

As followers of Jesus, we are called to faith in the midst of fear and uncertainty for it is in these days that the hearts of people all across the world are increasingly open to the good news of Jesus Christ.

The finished work of the cross of Christ did not appear to be a happy ending to the gospels, but it is the promise of a bright new beginning for all who believe.

Jesus used the word EVERY. Disunity brings destruction every time. We all know from personal experience that this is true so why do we often tolerate disunity? When we work to create an atmosphere of unity and peace, God's Word promises that it will be pleasant and good. When we allow the spirit of unity to permeate our homes, our conversations and our relationships, something amazing happens! God commands a blessing!

This is not a "suggested blessing." It is not a "recommended blessing." This is the promise of the Lord for each and every one of us.

Do you want to receive God's commanded blessing today? I want to share four things with you to help create a spirit of unity in your life and position yourself to receive all that the Lord has for you.

1. Good and effective leadership brings unity. A good leader is consistent and will create an environment of safety and security. Develop leadership skills in your life, because good leadership will unite the people who follow you.

2. A clear vision unites people. Once you have a clear vision, you can make more effective decisions that align with it. And when the direction of your life is aligned with the goals you have set for yourself - there is unity.

3. Opposition and crisis unite people. The devil (our enemy) wants to use negative circumstances to keep you from receiving the blessing of God. When we commit ourselves to being united with one another regardless of circumstances, God commands the blessing.

4. Victories and successes bring people together. Be sure to celebrate the accomplishments of others. It is inspiring to see others succeed. When we are united in celebrating other's achievements - God commands the blessing."

Tästä on helppo vetää linjoja esim.
  • tiimityöhön ja joukkueurheiluun - vrt. Suomen ja Venäjän jääkiekkojoukkueet
  • mihin tahansa yhteisöön - vrt. evlut kirkon tilanne parhaillaan
  • Jumalan seurakuntaan paikallisella tasolla - ajattelepa vaikka tilannetta omalla paikkakunnallasi

Yhteydessä on siunaus, eikä Jumala ehdota sitä, vaan Hän edellyttää sitä. Miksi emme siis alkaisi harjoittaa sitä?

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